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A dark and stormy friday….

Welcome to the weekend, gentlereaders. I had a pretty lazy Friday (if you consider working my8 hours lazy). I analyzed some data and was productive at the beginning of the day, then my entire lab got pretty distracting. I started watching Miley videos (she got realz slutty!), took a leisurely lunch, complained about needing coffee for a couple hours until I finally sucked it up and acquired some, planned after work activities, and so on. I feel like when my cells die (I work with heart cells, FYI), a good part of my drive dies along with them.

After work, I finally celebrated being ‘done’ with finals and my first year of graduate school! I went to Mono Loco with some of the coolest first year BME girls and drank way too much sangria. I didn’t want it to go to waste, but definitely should have forgone the last glass. It was one of those things where I didn’t realize how intoxicated I was until I stood up and had to orient myself in space. While we ate, a beast of a thunderstorm went over us. It was great to enjoy the sounds and smells of it under the tarp!

After dinner, I came home to find that my door is open and the power is out. It’s really freaky. The boys I live with don’t get what it’s like being a girl, I think. They are pretty lax with personal safety issues a lot and I’m not sure they see my side of things. It’s bad enough when the door is open, but with the additional element of no lights…. I REALLY didn’t want to set a toe in my apartment. Luckily, my friend came back and rescued me and we spent some time reading magazines and drinking tea at Barnes and Noble. To any other females out there – What would you have done in that situation? My parents raised me to be realllllly cautious (Re: Paranoid), sometimes it’s a little too extreme, but there are a lot of bad people in this world…..You really never know!

I really have thrown my health goals out the window this last week it seems. After the wreck, I lost motivation. I just kind of want to stay in my bed and be a sloth. I’m going to try to force myself on a run today and to do more cooking at home. I got to get back to my real life. Anybody out there have advice for finding drive again after hard times?

Coming Clean, Let the Rain Fall, Yada Yada (Roll Eyes)

Man. I am really figuring out that just because the stress and angst are over, doesn’t mean your body is just going to flip back to how things were before. I’ve been struggling with caffeine dependence, insomnia, and general malaise ever since last week. I can tell my immune system has been compromised. I didn’t really get a cold cold, but general asthma and allergy-esque crud. So, I haven’t been working out for a while, hence my reluctance to post. But, a big part of this blog is accountability, so I figured it was about friggin time I come clean.

I was definitely disappointed not to be able to work out much though. I was getting so excited by my results and wanted to keep up the momentum!

And, more accountability – I went to Philadelphia this weekend to visit people! And Saturday was definitely a hot mess unclassy day and night. So starting tomorrow it’s veggie and workout overload time! Today it’s, clean up my life space and surroundings time. 1.5 weeks ago I was on like a life high of energy and power because of how awesome I was eating and working out. This week I’m fighting for it back. I went to the grocery store and bought lots of fruits and veggies to stuff myself with. It’s going to rock!

Oh, and please observe that I’ve changed the layout and design of the blog a bit. I encourage you to click the orange button on the right to subscribe to this feed if you are interested. That way you can keep track of updates through google and I don’t have to be a link whore all the time on gchat and twitter. Also, I added a ‘blog roll’ page with link to some of my favorite blogs. Most of them are food/fitness or personal finance related. This summer I plan on doing a personal finance overhaul following the principles I read in a book last year. I think it’ll be fun! I’m good at saving, but I need to be smarter about where I put the money I’m saving and start up an IRA and stuff.

Also coming soon: A check post of some pics from my weekend in Philly – I think you’ll soon understand why I need a veggie/rehydration-centric detox this week hehe!